Kwik is based on FastAPI, builds upon it and delivers an opinionated concise, business-oriented API.
kwik - Kwik is a web framework for building modern, batteries-included, RESTful backends with Python 3.10+.
kuksa-viss-client - kuksa.val python clients and SDK. kuksa-client - kuksa.val python clients and SDK. kuiper - A terminal-based dating application for UTD students. kucoin-websocket - Faster deployment is what we want!. kucoin-futures-python - kucoin-futures-api-sdk. kucoin-cli - Kucoin API and WebSocket client. Supports both sync and async for API REST. kraky - Python client for Kraken API REST and Kraken Websockets API using httpx and websockets. kraken-async-api - Asynchronous Websockets API for the Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange. Kr0nOs-Bot - A highly customisable Discord bot. kodi-remotecontrol - Python remote control gateway for Kodi server. kiwi-blockchain - Kiwi blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet. kite-connection-manager - Manage connections to KiteConnect. kilovolt - Python client for Kilovolt servers, supports Kilovolt Protocol v9+. kiki-utils-api - Utils functions with api data process. khandytool - khandytool, handy core in testing. kernel-server - A Jupyter kernel server.
kenobi-app - Opensource desktop application for Kenobi. jutge-relayer - Notifications relayer for. jupyverse - A set of FPS plugins implementing a Jupyter server. jupyter-ydoc - Document structures for collaborative editing using Ypy.
jupyter_server_terminals_proxy - A Jupyter Server Extension Proxying Terminals. jupyter_server_kernels_proxy - A Jupyter Server Extension Proxying Kernels. jupyter-kernel-client - jupyter kernel websocket client. jugaad-trader - A trade automation library. jsonrpc-asyncio-client - Framework-agnostic, asynchronous JSON-RPC client. jprq - Get your localhost online and https - Ngrok Alternative. joust - Websocket server for the Backgammon Network. joern-lib - Python library to interact with Joern server. jockmkt-sdk - A basic package allowing the user to interact with Jock MKTs API. joatmon - General Purpose Python Library. jesse - A trading framework for cryptocurrencies. jellyfish-chat - FastAPI microservice for chatting. javali - The lightning-fast ASGI server. jarvis-nlp - Natural Language User Interface. Jarvis-Ironman - Natural Language User Interface. jarvis-bot - Natural Language User Interface. janus-client - Janus webrtc client, to be used with asyncio. The following projects have a declared dependency on websockets: